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Puppy school

Individual puppy socialization course (four lessons)

Promotion price€120,00


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What are puppy socialization classes?

Puppies' socialization is a process in which puppies are introduced to different situations, people and the environment. It is important because it helps the dog to become a self -confident and well -adapted adult dog. Good socialization reduces fear and aggression, promotes peaceful behavior and strengthens the link between the dog and the host.

Frequently asked questions

Price for the course: 120 EUR for the entire course for four classes (15 EUR per lesson)

Lesson Place: 54 Pärnu Street, Riga (entrance from the yard), and in the adjacent Grizinkalns Park

Lesson Duration: 40-60 min. (depends on the puppy, how much he will be willing to do, how long he will be able to keep his attention).

Puppy socialization classes

A course of four lessons

Classes can start attending puppies from 2-5 months of age
It is advisable to start socialization classes as early as possible, ideally between 2 and 5 months. Early socialization is essential because puppies at this age are the best of new experiences and easiest to adapt to new situations. Since classes are done individually, there is no need to wait for the rabies vaccine and they can start in time. Early socialization helps the puppy become a safe and well -adapted adult dog, reducing fear and potential aggression later in life.

The course consists of 4 classes
The course consists of four classes where each covers essential topics of socialization. The first lesson focuses on communication with puppy and body language translation. The second lesson involves working with sounds so that the puppy gets used to various noises. The third lesson focuses on different surfaces and objects, helping the puppy to feel comfortable in different environments. The fourth lesson prepares for visits to the puppy clinic and hairdresser, including nail cutting, combing and domesticated.

Our main task is the training of hosts
Our main task is to train dog owners so that they better understand their dog and can properly treat its body language and signals. This ensures that the landlord can build a close and trusted relationship with his pet, guaranteeing happy together. By understanding the dog's behavior and needs, the owners can more effectively deal with different situations and promote the well -being of their dog.

Will be able to go to group classes after completing the course

After completing a successful puppy socialization course, your dog will be ready to continue training on the basic course in groups. In this course, your dog will use the acquired skills and safety in new situations, interacting with other dogs and people. Group classes will help strengthen socialization skills and develop new skills needed in everyday life. Thanks to the individual approach at the beginning, your dog will be well prepared for future challenges and will be able to fully participate in the group classes.

Lesson Plan:

The lesson plan is described below, but note that this plan is more informative. We will adjust him directly to your puppy's needs.